Sunday, January 29, 2012

Copa Pura Loca

I am having a blast.  Plain and simple.  Loving every minute of life here.  Here's another update!...

Saturday we held the first annual Copa Pura Loca.  and it was LOCA!!  It was a great opportunity to show newbies how a swim meet would run.  Red versus Black....i was red..and red won, of course!  events like 50meter swims, watermelon pass, 20 person relays, tshirt swaps, it was pure joy all morning. 

There is a DTS here from Kona and they ran the whole thing, which was a blessing to us because it meant we could be part of the team.  Then they did a few dramas showing the gospel and we all just hung out!

I spent the afternoon with a swimmer, Carla, who i stay in touch with year long.  we've been good friends since my first year here.  We watched a movie then went into town and got ice cream, and had a good chat about Jesus and religion and Catholicism and everything relating, then we ate Reese's Cups.  a little piece of home i brought to share for moments such as those.

Today we had a fun in the sun day, walked to church, great message, then we made authentic mexican food for lunch (MOLE!!), and went to the beach and dug a big hole in the sand and sat in it, and played vball, then played in the pool to cool off when we got back, and made lemon bars from scratch...tough life!

This week the third session of swim classes begins, so it'll be a crazy few days getting everyone organized! But I am building a great community here and falling in love with the people all over again.  They are precious to me and in my prayers constantly.

Today's sermon talked a lot about how important it is to fully trust God with everything in our lives.  He wants what is best for us.  Like Christ feeding the thousands...a few fish and some bread feeding the multitude.  If you keep it to yourself, it'll only feed of few, but putting it in the hands of our savior will bring an abundance we can never imagine! Isaiah 55:1

prayer requests: open doors for conversations with swimmers and opportunities to show and speak of Christ; energy ( the sun is STRONG here, and my desire to sleep isn't so strong); for work around the pool to be productive and safe!

Thanks everyone! may God bless your day!!

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