Sunday, January 29, 2012

Copa Pura Loca

I am having a blast.  Plain and simple.  Loving every minute of life here.  Here's another update!...

Saturday we held the first annual Copa Pura Loca.  and it was LOCA!!  It was a great opportunity to show newbies how a swim meet would run.  Red versus Black....i was red..and red won, of course!  events like 50meter swims, watermelon pass, 20 person relays, tshirt swaps, it was pure joy all morning. 

There is a DTS here from Kona and they ran the whole thing, which was a blessing to us because it meant we could be part of the team.  Then they did a few dramas showing the gospel and we all just hung out!

I spent the afternoon with a swimmer, Carla, who i stay in touch with year long.  we've been good friends since my first year here.  We watched a movie then went into town and got ice cream, and had a good chat about Jesus and religion and Catholicism and everything relating, then we ate Reese's Cups.  a little piece of home i brought to share for moments such as those.

Today we had a fun in the sun day, walked to church, great message, then we made authentic mexican food for lunch (MOLE!!), and went to the beach and dug a big hole in the sand and sat in it, and played vball, then played in the pool to cool off when we got back, and made lemon bars from scratch...tough life!

This week the third session of swim classes begins, so it'll be a crazy few days getting everyone organized! But I am building a great community here and falling in love with the people all over again.  They are precious to me and in my prayers constantly.

Today's sermon talked a lot about how important it is to fully trust God with everything in our lives.  He wants what is best for us.  Like Christ feeding the thousands...a few fish and some bread feeding the multitude.  If you keep it to yourself, it'll only feed of few, but putting it in the hands of our savior will bring an abundance we can never imagine! Isaiah 55:1

prayer requests: open doors for conversations with swimmers and opportunities to show and speak of Christ; energy ( the sun is STRONG here, and my desire to sleep isn't so strong); for work around the pool to be productive and safe!

Thanks everyone! may God bless your day!!

Monday, January 23, 2012


Hey all!! Sorry I haven't posted in a few weeks!! Life just gets rollin' and I don't have the desire to connect to the outside world!! It's been really busy at the pool with various programs and help is few and far between so we are all filling in the gaps where we can!! So here is the update!!...

We are already half way through the 2nd session of swim lessons, I can't even believe it. Time is flying. I have 9 kids in my upper level class and they are all lots of fun, I am getting creative on how to push them to new levels everyday. Then I have 14 little tykes just at the beginners level and I have gotten all but one to confidently touch the floor of the pool with one hand it swim a short distance kicking on their own. You'd never think it'd be so hard to get someone to let go of your hand!!!

I have taken the swim team to swim in the ocean twice and Fridays are fun days where we play water polo or have fun relays. Getting them to show up on time is almost as hard as getting them into the freezing pool. Last week we shared a lot about how strongly God desires to know us and how much he cares about us more then we can ever begin to understand. The choice to obediently follow His word is one we must make daily but the deep satisfaction it provides our souls is more than worth it.

As I've been in conversation with a few of the swimmers that I'm closest to, I'm realizing this past year has been full of loss for them. One lost his dad, another his grandfather, another her teacher and friend and her father was also in a car accident. This past year I lost my cousin to pancreatic cancer, and it was a really hard few months. Last week five girls who had come to a camp here were heading back to Santiago when they hit a bus. The bus carried them a long distance and two were killed, and one is still in serious condition. This was shocking to the church that hosted it. It reminds us how precious life is and there are no guarantees we will be here tomorrow. We need to confidently place out lives in God's hands and believe that Christ died for our sins and truly walk through life with Him guiding our steps. Our lives deeply matter to the Creator!! Our response should be a lifestyle of thanks!!

Thats Eurcharisto. God gives us gifts every single day. In every single moment. Ask yourself if you have opened your eyes to them...and thank him for them. For the laughter and hug of a child. For the phone call from your mom. For the the breeze. The kite flying in it. The emails from friends. The families sharing dinner. Sweeping and finding a heart shaped piece of paper. For sharing jokes til after midnight. For ice cream dripping out the bottom of your cone on a hot day. For amazing grace being sung at the campfire near your house and the tune flowing in the window like the sea breeze beside it. For three people on a surf board. For hugs and kisses from friends and words of love sent back. So many things. Big and little. They all matter!!! They are God's answer to our cry for mercy.

Last week I helped with another summer long program and a girl named Tabatha really took a liking to me. We played for hours in the pool and then she helped me clean the sides of the pool and I got to ask her about God and her understanding of Christ's sacrifice for us. She is a bundle of joy joy with every hug and laugh and kiss on the cheek.

Well my friend Raul has arrived to help me with the kids class so I'm off to help Augustine and Martin and Gabriel and Valentina, ages 2,3, and 4, learn to swim. My favorite part of the day!!!

1 Corinthians 2:2...look it up. Live it.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Hello Everyone!!
Once again I am coaching a swim team and teaching all levels of swim classes in Pichilemu Chile at the YWAM base here...sharing the love of Christ and the Power of God with Kids and adults.  The time I have spent here over the last few years has been life-changing and I want that to be the case for everyone who walks through the doors of Pura Vida Pichilemu. The path that God brought be down during my DTS is still  felt in my life today, and I am very grateful. It's hard to leave my life in Colorado every year, i really miss my family and friends and the snowflakes falling from the sky, but call to make disciples in this little surf town and the coast of Chile tugs on my heart all year long.

More of my details of life this year and year previous later, because I have to go to church in 12 minutes.

I arrived safe and sound to Pichilemu. Easy flights, easy layover in Dallas where my brother and I talked on the phone about new years resolutions (I finally came up with one from his inspiration: Crap, or get off the pot...don't mess around, do what you wanna do!)  I sat in the VERY MIDDLE of the I sat next to a girl who is coming to Patagonia to interview a few towns about the environmental impact of a dam that the government wants to put in...very fascinating.  WHen i got the the airport I ran into a family from YWAM and caught a ride to the base! no need to take the 4 hour bus, as fascinating as that is, i was tired of sitting in a warn out seat and just wanted to get to my destination.  I started coaching and teaching the very next day, and OH MAN, the water is COLD!! It has been overcast so the sun energy required to heat the hoses that pump water out of the pool, through about 400 feet of black hose coils, and back into the pool, have been useless.  holy smokes.  AND there are about 7 people from an LA team here helping in the pool and they use the wetsuits, so Juliette and I tough it out in our swimsuits, but it doesn't start to really affect me till about 5 minutes til the end of the class when the goosebumps just won't go away.  Pray for sun during the week!! it's been sunny all weekend!
Yesterday was SuperSabado and I helped teach 7 girls a new dance, then got in the pool and played with them.  It is a great opportunity to show kids the love of God and show them that there are people who really care about them and want to spend time with them.  I have been helping with Super Sabado every saturday since I arrived in 2009....and the kids just flock here for free pool time, crazy big kids to play soccer or volleyball with, or the opportunity to dance and do arts and crafts.
Then we went to the beach, played some beach vball and got in the ocean.  What a great first few days!!!

More to come soon, time to get going.

I brought my friends James a 4 pound jar of peanut butter so he made me pancakes...a little comfort food in the world of bread and bland cheese.

God Bless You!!!