Sunday, February 19, 2012

Capital B Beauty!

So I am heading in to the last week of swim classes and all the craze of the Copa Pura Vida. Pray for it!!

I've had great opportunities to hang out and chat with a lot of the swimmers on the team. I have been encouraged by them and hope I have continued to bless them in return. It's very simple. I love them very deeply. With my third summer here coming to a close, seeing them grow and transform into young adults or transition into high school, I pray that God continues to guide their lives and keep their hearts close to His.

I have been spending lots of time in and around the pool, giving time and energy to people and necessary tasks. It's been so fun to build a little community here and I know going home will be hard.

The team has competed in two meets already, with lots of medals going home with us. They have been training hard, and I have as well!! Feeling good and sleeping well!!

God has been giving me two words lately: strength and courage. I need that here and at home. And I hope to share what I have of that with others...

Pray for the Copa Pura Vida and for a good transition home. Miss you all and I'll update in a few days or after the crazy weekend to come!!

God Bless You all!
And remember to find God in all things.

He is Beauty. With a capital B.

Pics of life here